Welp, welp, here it is people! The long awaited fic er trivia I got from friends and MKR addicts. Thanks to Tia Wheeler for giving me the great idea. Thanks girl! And of course, the people who made this a wholesome section, the members of the Clef Fans! And for the other people who emailed me things they thought were characteristics of an MKR Addict, thanks a bunch!

You Know You Are A Magic Knight Rayearth Addict When

1. You tear apart your room just to find your MKR graphic novels.
2. You get a job just to buy MKR merchandise
3. Your bedroom door says 'Welcome to Cephiro'
4. When your family calls you by your 'name' you insist that you are really Umi
5. Purple hair turns you on (or Blue hair)
6. You bump into a really small kid and exclaim "Guru!!"
7. Your pet lizard is named 'Celes'
8. Your mother's Parrot can recite the whole first season in Japanese
9. You have a orange tabby cat named 'Rayearth'
10. Your dog is named 'Flash' (for those who have played the game)
11. You belong to a MKR rpg.
12. You belong to a fan club such as Clef_fans
13. Your hair is BLUE, or red
14. You get your hair cut just so you can go to the nearest Con as Fuu
15. You get your haircut, dye it, and wear long robes just so you
can go to the mall as Clef
16. You go to a rave that instead of dressing so 'freaky', you go as your favorite Knight.
17. You begin to wonder why your school doesnt have blue, green, or
red uniforms
18. You get excited when you find out that one of the knights has the
same b-day as you
19. You write a fanfic
20. There is a life-sized poster of Ferio on your wall
21. There is a life-sized poster of Clef on your Ceiling
22. You almost take off someones head when they say Clef and Presea should be together
23. There are 5 Umi-Chans that you are friends with.. And youre an Umi chan at your school.
24. Every time you part with your friends you get in a big circle and cry "Its NOT Fair"
25. You try to find high places with glass windows to visit just incase Emerauld needs a sub in.
26. You know Clef's b-day and age.
27. You try to dye Clef's hair.
28. Clef hits you with his staff.
29. You imagine youre in Cephiro
30. You ARE in Cephiro.
31. A Teacher yells at you when you turn in a paper with Clef drawings hiding the math portion of the paper. (Gomen!!!)
32. You belong to more web clubs than you have actual friends.
33. Watching MKR is the only food you will ever need.
34. You own five Mokona toys
35. You change your name to Fuu, Umi, or Hikaru
36. You join a mailing list were you secretly rave about your crush which is an MKR character
37. You can distinguish the characters blind folded psychically.
38. You know what will happen before watching it
39. You know Japanese because of it
40. You have a dog-named Mokona
41. Your dream guy is so tall or so short or may have green hair...
42. You run around in a red robe yelling for your lion like animal.
43. You dye your hair blue and put in blue colored contacts.
44. You spend 4 hours sewing Umi's school uniform.
45. You adopt a lion from the zoo and name it Rayearth.
46. You can sing along to the theme song(s) and you don't speak one word of Japanese, although you ARE learning because of it!
47. One of your major personal projects is to addict all of your friends! You have made lists of ways to destroy a character.
48. You attempt to make some kind of machine to transport you to Cephiro and/or bring the characters into this world.
49. You try to pass off said machine as a science project.
50. You design cloths for the characters
51. Every other sentence contains the name "Clef" when you talk to your friends
52. You go trick or Treat just so you can try out your Innova outfit.
53. You write things like 'YKYAMKRAW'
54. Your screen name is Doushi Clef18 or Ferio17
55. You feel a presence of a praying princess
56. You have the power of water, wind and fire
57. You imagine you have a pet dragon, a lion with a burning main, and a huge bird
58. You have translated the theme song into your own language (see my site)
59. You want to dress up like the magic knight on Halloween
60. You get ballistic on music and start daydreaming when you hear "the major clef..."
61. You start playing the instrument, learning the weapon and having your hair the same
62. The hair has the same length and style
63. You have the same birthday and is extremely proud of it
64. Your dream guy tends to have purple or green hair
65. You wish that it was possible to have blue hair naturally
66. You pray to go to another world
67. You go to the jewelry store and ask if they have any horns for sale.
68.You wear a blue, green, or red fuku to school, and when people ask you why, reply "Isn't this what we're supposed to wear? This IS Tokyo, you know."
69. Whenever you disagree with someone, you put your hand over your face Fuu-style.
70. You uproot a lot of grass from your yard and super-glue it to your head, trying to attract that short-haired blonde genius with glasses who goes to your school.
71. You bring a squirt gun or water bottle to school, and whenever someone annoys you, squeeze it at them and yell "MIZU NO RYUU!!!!!"
72. You bring a fan to school and whenever someone annoys you, turn it on and yell "EMERALD TYPHOON!!!!!" ((or however you say it in Japanese))
73. You bring a blow-torch to school, and whenever someone annoys you turn it on and yell "HONOU NO YAAAAAAAA!!!!!"
74. You bring icicles to school in the winter, and whenever someone annoys you, throw the icicles at them and yell "HYOSHOU GEKSHAU!!!!!" ((or whatever))
75. You try to start a fad by wearing long, white robes over your clothes to school.
76. You try to start a fad by wearing pointy elf-like shoes to school.
77. You grow your bangs over your eyes and buy a huge black hat.
78. Whenever you see a rabbit, you loose control and scream "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, MOKONAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
79. You put your hair in little cone-shaped buns and whenever someone annoys you, scream "URUSAI NAN JA!" Your best friend is also that nose-less, beady-eyed genius with straight black hair.
80. That short, blue-eyed guy in your high school Calculus class who loves to dye his hair lavender REALLY REALLY turns you on.
81. So does that one guy with the grass superglued to his head.
82. Whenever you see that whiny, blue-eyed blonde prep who's always telling her cheating boyfriend, "Stop, please stop this," you walk up and tell her not to worry, the Magic Knights will take her life soon.
83. You're always trying to hook up the redheads and the guys with jet-black hair.
84. Your friends and family never want to hear your favorite character's name ever again.
85. You wear glasses that look exactly like Fuu's.
86. You wear said glasses even though you have perfect vision.
87.You can sing all of the songs from the series ...and you don't speak Japanese
88.Your best friend looks EXACTLY like Alcione (even though she really doesn't) just because she has black hair.
89.You speak Japanese in Osaka... exclusively.
90. Remember those guys who turn you on? So does the guy who grew his bangs out and bought a big black hat.
91. When you're around real life anime fans, every other sentence contains the words, "Well, guess what came up in a discussion in my Clef Fans email list?"** (or any other club youve been in)
92. If a girl with long black hair and purple eyes is going out with your school crush, a tall guy with long black hair. Dye your hair blonde, get blue contacts, and add on a couple thousand-hair extensions and try to steal him away from her using the "Emeraude Technique."
93. You go to school with your hair dyed purple and blue contacts with long black robes on and a scary black staff, and go around asking, "Is it OK with you if I imprison everyone on earth in a time-warp?
94. Every lady or girl with long black hair you refer to as "Obasaan."
95. You ask the baseball game people if they'll pay you to summon your "Bud fish."
96. When people ask you what your dream boyfriend is, you say, "Djinn...."
97. You find yourself head over heels for two guys who are gay together.
98. You like girls with short hair who are shorter and younger than you are.
99. Whenever a kid at school picks on you, you hold up your pencil and yell, "SELECE!!!", "RAYEARTH!!!," or "WINDAM!!!!"
100. Or you trace a five or six pointed star in the air with your pencil and yell "MAJUU SHOUKAN!!!!"
101. You name every cute animal you see Hikari.
102. You have a green parrot named Windam, a dragon-lizard named Selece, a red cat or dog named Rayearth, a fish named Fyula, and a millipede named Atalante.
103. And a black rabbit named Zazu.
104. Whenever there's a lightning storm, you solemnly say to your friends, "Clef is opening some kinda can of whoopass on Alcyone again."
105. Your bathing suit looks oddly like Umi's final armor.
106. You win every dress-up contest at every convention you go to when you dress up like Umi and run around the con center screaming, "DAAAAAAAAA, MOKONAAAAAAAA!"
107. You bring live wires to school and whenever someone ticks you off, you electricute them and scream "LIGHTNING CALL!!!!!"
108. Whenever you're in a public bath, you begin discussing breast sizes. ((Who owns the new subtitled episodes of MKR? OMG, the bath scene is so funny! They won't stop talking about breast sizes!))
110. If you're a short guy and you fall in love with a girl, you strap on stilts over the weekend and come to school with them on to try and make an impression.
111. You always laugh like BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ((Zagato style))
112. You always laugh like OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! ((my favorite, Aska style))
113. You always laugh like AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ((Debonair style))
114. If someone asks you if a certain school bully is strong, you say, "He's darn-tootin' strong!" ((You'll only get that one if you own the second Mixx manga))
115. You're constantly shoving your glasses back up your nose whenever you say something "smart," so that the glasses do that little shiny glare thing, Fuu-style.
116. You jump into a lake hoping to find Escudo.
117. You skip work or school to sit in a room and cry and pray pathetically.
118. You spend three weeks in woodshop class to create an exact replica of the sword of your favorite character, then throw it away because it's not the real thing.
119. Your grades drop because you sit and think about MKR all day.
120. You have a book load of pics (Mostly of Umi and of Clef) and have all the books and most of the tapes.
121. When you write fanfics, you always come up with new magic knights or characters, who befriend all of the chars.
122. You want to look exactly like Umi and think of ways to do so when you turn 18. (Because your mom is against strange hair colors)
123. Everyday, you drive your best friend crazy by ranting about MKR and what should have happened.
124. When it's raining, you cry out "Don't cry Pillar! It'll get better!" because you think you live in Cephiro and that the weather is caused by the emotions of the pillar.
125. When you sleep, you take the place of your favorite MKR characters.
126. You never read fanfics that don't include the Umi and Clef romance, and you are mad at Ascot for getting in the way of that.
127. When you just finish watching a MKR tape, you run around the house, acting out the whole thing. (Mostly when you're home alone but not always)
130. Your MKR graphic novels are stored in a desk to keep your cat from doing any harm from them, and are in perfect shape even though they are read so much.
131. You want MKR to be put back on TV, or you'll shoot the TV company.

Note: For further additions








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